Miss Asian Chicago Judge Spotlight

Coral Wu

Miss Asian Chicago 2024 Judge

Born and raised in Taiwan, Coral has lived in the US for ​more than 16 years. She first came to the US as an ​international student pursuing a Ph.D. in English ​Literature and successfully earned her degree 8 years ​ago. However, instead of continuing her academic ​career, she chose to serve and work with people since ​“people” is something she really missed during her ​academic career. She became a professional Tour ​Director and Guide and worked in the hospitality ​industry for 5 years until the Pandemic when lockdown ​and unemployment gave her opportunities to reflect ​on what else she can do to continue to serve people. ​She entered the non-profit industry and worked as a ​community organizer in Chicago's Chinatown. In 2023, ​she switched to KAN-WIN, an organization that ​focuses on gender-based violence intervention and ​prevention. Now she is a Multilingual Community ​Advocate at KAN-WIN overseeing Chinese-speaking ​communities in greater Chicago.