Miss Asian Chicago 2024 Contestants
Click on their headshot to see their personal page and find their personal ticket link!
Order Of Events
Starting at 04.00 Pm
Doors open, Buffet dinner served, drinks for sale.
Starting at 05.30 Pm
Opening Dance + Intros
Former contestants kick off the show with a group dance, then give a 30 second self-introduction.
5 contestants were selected to compete for Miss Talent in the optional talent segment. Each talent is a max 90 seconds. Does not count toward overall score.
Confidence Runway
Contestants confidently strut in a black swimsuit of their choice. They are not judged on their bodies - only their confidence and poise.
Contestants answer a question on the spot. Questions are based on the things they learned during the pageant program. They did not receive the questions in advance.
Community Platform Pitch
Contestants worked with us to draft a year-long community project that they are required to execute if they become Queen, First Princess, or Second Princess. They will make a pre-prepared 90 second speech about their project plan.
Starting at 7.40 Pm
Crowing + Photos
2024 Titleholders are announced and groups are allowed to come on stage for photos with all contestants
Corporate Members
We're seeking sponsors/supporters via Chi-AWE corporate membership!
Annual Chi-AWE corporate membership includes sponsorship benefits for Miss Asian Chicago and Asian Fashion Show Chicago, ad space in our magazine, among other benefits. Learn more!
'Nurture' Members
'Fundamental' Members
In-Kind Donors
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